Drilling technique

Drilling technique, drilling oil, how to drilling oil
Hoisting System

Scope of drilling techniques are:
-Drilling purpose
-type Drilling
-How Drilling
-Drilling tool
-Program Drilling
Interest Drilling

As a way out the entry of fluid (from the reservoir to the surface and from the surface to the injection wells)
To investigate the content of the underground:
-The Contents of the content of the rock
- character of rock
- structure of Rock layers
-Age And depositional history of rock.
Is one of the important activities dlama Petroleum industry. Making a hole that connects the hydrocarbon reservoir to the surface. In order to produce hydrocarbons from the reservoir to the surface. The business of making the hole from the surface to the depth of the target quickly, accurately and safely, both in terms of operations and safety and the environment.

type Drilling
Exploration = dug the first well (wildcat) with the aim of proving the presence / absence of fluid.
Appraisal = evaluate and provide economic value / absence reservoir.
Exploitation = drilling for further production

How Drilling
1.        Drill mashed (cable tool / percussion drilling).
This drilling occurs due to the action of an iron chisel blows (bits) that are raised and lowered by a steel cable and banging basic lubang.Ini a long way. Only able to reach a depth of 5000 m
2.        Drill Play (rotary drilling)
Drilling is due to the round chisel / bit. Bit tied up and play with a drill string comprising a drill pipe (drill pipe), drill coller (joint connections), and the drill bit during drilling progresses.
3.       Turbo Drill
The principle of equal drilling with rotary drill, only difference lies in the power to
  rotate the bit. Here round bits obtained by terraced turbine at the bottom of the hole.
                And power turbines in the can of drilling fluid
4.        Hammer Drilling
               This tool is a combination of Rotary with Percussion drilling methods.
Drill Mash (cable tool / percussion drilling)
Drilling technique, oil drilling, how to drilling oil

Drilling at the top of the third way is usually used with the help of a RIG. Is the so-called RIG it? RIG is a series of special equipment used to drill wells. The main characteristics RIG is their towers or often called MAST made of steel used to raise lower tubular pipe or pipe driiling.

Drilling equipment
1. Drilling equipment and tools main
2. Lifting Equipment (Hoisting Equipment)
3. Hardware player (Rotary)
4. Equipment Circulation Circulation)
5. Other tools:
     - Blow Out Preventer BOP (blow-deterrent)

Drilling tools and main tools
1. Derrick (Drill tower) and susbtructe
2. Prime mover (engine driving power)
3. This series of drill pipe (drill pipe, drill collar, chisel)

Lifting Equipment (Hoisting Equipment)
- Hoist (draw work)
- Drilling line (steel cable)
- Crown block
- Traveling block

Rotary equipment:
Rotary table (turntable)
Kelly bushing
Cat head
equipment Circulation
Slurry pump
stand pipe
Mud hose
Mud pit
Shale screen
Mud Tank

Drilling technique, oil drilling, how to drilling oil

Hoisting system
Providing facilities for lifting, and lowering held their drillstring, casing string and
other subsurface equipment into or out of the wellbore.
consists of a derrick and substructure, block and tackl, drawwork.

Circulating system
Has the main function of cutting debris lifted from the bottom of the hole to the surface.
The main Equipment: mud pumps, mud pits, mud mixing equipment, and contaminant removal.

Rotating system
Is the equipment used to transmit rotary table rotation (rotary table) to bits.
The main part of this system: swivel, kelly, rotary drives, rotary tables, drillpipe, drill collar.

Power system
Has the function to provide the power to move the equipment used.
Most of the power available at the rig consumed by hoisting system and circulating system.
Total power commonly needed in a rig 1000 - 3000 HP. Modern rig driving source
usually derived from the internal combustion engine and is generally grouped into diesel-electric
type and direct-drive type.

Blowout prevention system
Placed just above the surface of the wells to provide power to shut down the well in case
bottomhole pressure rise sudden and dangerous for or are in opersai drilling.
The number, size and strength of BOP are used depending on the depth of wells to be drilled and
The maximum anticipation of the reservoir pressure that will be encountered. Generally there are two types of BOP,
namely annulat and ram type.
Annular BOP is designed to close around the wellbore with a variety of sizes and shapes
equipment is being lowered into the borehole, so that it can close the annular BOP annulus in
around drillpipe, drillcolar and casing, also can isolate wells in openhole conditions.
While ram preventer can be divided into four types, namely pipe ram, variable-bore ram (VBR), blind ram, and shear ram.

Drilling mud circulation system Pump --- mud hose swivel --- --- --- dp dc kelly ---- --- ---- chisel annulus Equipment ---- ---- solid control tank

Solid Control Equipment: - shale shaker - deSander - desilter - degasser
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