Oil Drilling

how to drilling oil
Oil Drilling Rig

Drilling is one of the most important phases of activities in the petroleum industry. Drilling a hole that connects manufacture hydrocarbon reservoir with a surface. In order to produce hydrocarbons from the reservoir to the surface. the business of making the hole from the surface to the depth of the target quickly, accurately and safely, both in terms of operations and safety and lingkungan.Dan drilling itself can be divided into several types of drilling, among others

how to drilling oil

Based on the drilling objectives:
Exploration drilling.
The purpose of the exploration drilling is to determine or prove a hollow or a layer of the earth's crust containing oil-Bumi.Data previous data has been no drilling seningga requires careful planning to take into account the possibilities that occur during the process of the Exploration Drilling. In addition to taking into account the possibility -kemingkinan above, observations during drilling must be done continuously since the depth of the rock layers and layers of rock properties to be penetrated unknown, which will be penetrated even into the uncertain due to follow the data of the powder core drilling and data logging. Exploration wells are often also referred to as Wild Cat. If found cases exploration drilling did not find anything or not find the reservoir is empty, exploration wells were called Dry Hole.

Delineation drilling.
The drilling is intended to determine the spread Reservoir, looking at the perimeter and the thickness of the Reservoir. Drilling is usually not very cost because existing data from previous exploration drilling. To determine bats Reservoir delineation drilling is carried to a distance - a certain distance from the first well. A second well penetrated oil is very thin, and the water is thick. This can be said as Resesrvoir oil. Three wells are still penetrate the thick oil and the water is thick enough. For the fourth drilling was carried out at a certain distance from a second well. It turned out that only four wells to find water thick. So that the boundary between the oil and water wells are the third and fourth wells. Furthermore, based ketebalam oil from each well made isopach maps used to calculate the volume of rock containing oil.

Exploitation drilling 
The drilling is aimed to improve the drainage of the reservoir production and increase production volume. Exploitation drilling costs are much cheaper because of the well data is complete as the depth and thickness of the reservoir, the type and nature of the rocks penetrated by the drill bit. Exploration wells can be converted into exploitation wells. Oil producing wells were called to the production well. Drilling and Exploitation is also distinguished by its place and based on its shape.
The place is based on:

Drilling Army (Onshore)
Onshore drilling is drilling point location is on land. Another term is the Onshore Drilling.

Offshore Drilling (Offshore)
Drilling offshore drilling point is located offshore. But can be included as well for offshore drilling when drilling locations are in an aqueous environment such as in lakes, rivers and swamps.
Based Shape:

Drilling Straight (Straight Hole Drilling)
From that point on the surface, made straight vertical hole to reach the target point. Drilling is classified at Straight Hole Drilling, if:
Drilling is still in a cone with an angle of 5 degrees, to an altitude of 10000ft cone.
Holes may veer origin slope not less 3 degrees / 100ft.

Directional Drilling (Directional Drilling)
Drilling done by diverting pipe toward the target point that is not being straight with the surface point. Factors causing carried directional drilling is the geographic and economic consid
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