what is minerals

In terms of geological mineral substance or object is formed by natural processes, usually solid, composed of a specific chemical composition and physical properties have a particular way
• Mineral formed from atoms and molecules of various chemical elements, where the atoms are arranged in a regular pattern
• The regularity of the circuit makes the atom has mineral properties in an orderly

Mineral Elements
• In nature, there are about 2000 kinds of minerals are known. These minerals exist composed of a single element, those that occur as compounds.
• It consists of a single element, for example;
            Au = aurum = gold
            Argentum = Ag = silver
            Cu = copper Cuprum =
            C = Carbon = in the form allotropi
    = The circumstances in which two or more substances are chemically the same but differ in their physical properties) shaped diamond or graphite

Rocks on Earth are classified according to how they are formed. Igneous rocks derived from magma or lava. Sedimentary rock made from sediment. Metamorphic rocks are the result of great heat and pressure have changed the existing rock to new rock. Together, they account for all rock types of rocks on Earth! The following chart is a basic classification of the three types of rocks. Igneous rocks are formed when molten rock (magma) from the frozen earth. The chemical composition of magma and cooling rate determines the type of igneous end.

Intrusive (plutonic)
Intrusive igneous rock formed from magma that cools and solidifies far below the earth's surface. The insulating effect of the surrounding rock allows the magma to strengthen very slowly. Slow cooling means individual mineral grains have a long time to grow, so that they grow with a relatively large size. Intrusive rocks have typical coarse grain size.

Extrusive (volcanic)
Extrusive igneous rock formed from magma that cools and solidifies at or near the earth's surface. Exposure to relatively cool temperature of the atmosphere or water makes the magma erupts strengthen very quickly. Rapid cooling means individual mineral grains were only a short time to grow, so that the final size they are very small, or smooth Sometimes magma is extinguished so quickly that individual minerals do not have time to grow. This is how volcanic glass shape.

Sedimentary rock formed from preexisting rocks or pieces ever living organism. They are formed from deposits that accumulate on the surface of the earth.

Clastic sedimentary rocks consisting of fruit (clasts) of pre-existing rocks. Stones cut loose by weathering, and then transported to some basin or depression where sediments are trapped. If the sediments are buried deep, become compacted and cemented, forming sedimentary rocks. Clastic sedimentary rocks may have particle sizes ranging from microscopic clay to large boulders. Their names based on their grain size.

Chemical sedimentary rocks are formed by chemical precipitation. The process begins when water travels through rocks dissolve some minerals, bring them out of their resources. Finally, this mineral redeposited when the water evaporates or when water becomes over-saturated.

Biological sedimentary rock formed from once living organisms. They may be formed from the accumulation of carbon-rich plant material or animal shells of deposits.

Metamorphic rocks are rocks that have been substantially changed from the original frozen form, sedimentary, metamorphic or earlier. Metamorphic rocks are formed when rocks undergo high heat, high pressure, hot, mineral-rich fluids or, more generally, some combination of these factors.
Foliation minerals are formed when pressure squeezing flat or elongated in stone so that they become aligned. These rocks develop platy or sheet-like structure that reflects the direction that the pressure is applied.
Non-foliated metamorphic rock does not have a platy or sheet-like structures. There are several ways that non-foliated rocks can be produced. Some of the rocks, such as limestone made of mineral uneven or elongated. No matter how much pressure you apply, the item will not be equal! Another type of metamorphism, contact metamorphism, occur when a frozen hot stone intrudes into some pre-existing rocks. Rock preexisting basically baked by heat, changing the structure of the rock minerals without adding pressure.

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