The characteristics of the reservoir rock

characteristic of the reservoir rock
Reservoir Rock


Petroleum = è Petro = rock, Oleum = oil = è existing oil in the rock (the reservoir rock)
Petroleum (crude oil) is hydrocarbons (HK) compound that occurs in nature can be solid, liquid or gas depending on the composition, pressure and temperature influence.

How / processes occurrence / gas formation can be divided into two theories:
 1) Theory of Organic
 2) Theory of Inorganic

Organic Theory: Petroleum derived from organic remains
plants and animals that lived millions of years ago, is deposited and the pressure
temperature and length of time then turned into
crude oil (petroleum)

Inorganic Theory: Petroleum derived from compounds

Oil and gas reservoirs is the accumulation of oil and or gas. 1.Elemennya are: a. Parent rocks (source) b. Migration Paths c. Reservoir rock (porous & amp; permeable) d. Hood rocks (impermeable) e. Trap 2. The process is: a. Generation b. Migration c. Accumulation d. preservation
Various traps oil / gas:

Physical Properties of Rocks Reservoir
4 -.- Compresibilitas
6.-Pressure Capillary
7.-D .L.L

Definition: Porosity is the ratio between the pore volume to the total volume of rock, symbol (φ), the units (% or fraction)
Porosity indicates how much space the pore / cavity in the rock that can be occupied by the fluid (oil / gas / water)
Rock porosity can be obtained from:
1.Analisa core (rock samples) laboratory
2.Analisa logs from the logging == è Ratings formation
Porosity measurements in the laboratory
Measurements carried out on samples of rock (core sample)
Were measured: 1. Bulk volume (total rock volume) === è Vb 2. Matrix Volume (grain volume) ===== è Vg 3. Pore Volume (pore volume) ========= è Vp To calculate the porosity, the second of the above three parameters must be known

1.Pengukuran directly (Direct calculation)

2.Fluid displacement methods: * Gravimetric * Volumetric
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